D3D Effects Lite
Lightweight Effects11 replacement that gives direct access to the data stored in D3D11 FX files.
D3D Effects Lite Documentation


This library gives direct access to the data stored in binary Direct3D 11 effect files as output by the fxc compiler. In contrast to the original Effects11 library shipped with Direct3D 11.0, the data is not obscured by an obligatory runtime component. Rather, the data is fully exposed in its static form, comprised of typed variables, state descriptions, shader byte code, resource variable mappings and bindings, groups, passes, techniques etc.

COM-style API and configuration? START HERE.
C++-style API? START HERE.
Data layout? START HERE.


Unproven, probably still unstable.


DirectX 11, D3DCompiler, tiny fractions of STL.


No dependencies to D3DX, compatible with Windows SDK 8.0. Developed using Visual C++ 2012, should also work with VC++ 2010. Includes both C++ interface and COM-style interface plus DLL compilation support.