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last updated 7/17/2009 | 383333 views
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7/17/2009: Shadows, HDRR, More Footage

And another four months! Incredibly huge amounts of things have happened since my last update in february, and that is besides me finally having finished school. Lots of new features have arrived throughout the last months, including soft shadows, high dynamic range lighting, support for multi-sampled anti-aliasing (tough one, still fighting a few of the typical issues here) and a completely new shader library. In addition, lots of bug fixing, refactoring and testing has been done, making the engine more usable than ever.

I won't go into the details today, instead I will just try to please you with another video showcasing the already well-known Amsterdam TechDemo in a completely new light:

Stay tuned, great things are about to happen in very near future. (And by the way, thanks for all the nice feedback!) Wonder what Devmania is? Check it out here. And sorry for the shaky free-hand cam...

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