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last updated 8/24/2011 | 116362 views
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8/24/2011: City Generation by Tobias Zirr » Website

Thanks a lot. Yes, the city was modelled procedurally. The algorithm is rather simple, spreading houses in differend directions until there is no space left except for the streets, same goes for the isles & canals.

8/20/2011: Good blog! by Apoorva Joshi » Website

I liked your blog a lot. Keep posting. :)
Also, did you generate the Amsterdam city model procedurally?

7/4/2011: Typo by Tobias Zirr

It seems I simply forgot to translate parts of this section to English a few years back when I switched this whole site from German to English. 'Titel' is actually just 'title' in German, 'von' should be 'by' etc. :-)

7/4/2011: Comment by Chad

the video I watched the crosshairs were FIXED to the center, so I don't see how they could "snap" back to center.
OT: the New Comment Page has a typo, titel instead of typo.

7/3/2011: Aiming and pace by Tobias Zirr

I don't really get what you are trying to say. Anchors may be placed anywhere in the world, so there really is no need for any kind of auto aiming whatsoever. In fact, I even applied some motion smoothing to the camera's rotation in order to reduce camera jittering during recording, making pointed aiming much harder than it would normally be. What you have percieved as snapping is exactly that, the camera coming to a halt smoothly rather than stopping abruptly in synch with mouse movement.

Neither do I get why the pace should be any different from the video, as anything was filmed live.

7/3/2011: Aiming and pace by Anyone

In the video, the game looks fluid and fast paced. If you pay attention its obvious the game is being filmed while they have some sort of auto aim on. Notice how it zips to, and stops immediately, to every hook. After they are hooked, the cross hair returns immediately to the center.

Clearly the game is not that fast paced. All it will essentially be is a slow paced puzzle with less-than-daunting tasks.

3/17/2009: Sehr schöne Arbeiten! by Lynxeye » Website

Die Sachen, die du auf dieser Seite zeigst, ringen mir echt einiges an Respekt ab. Ich wünsche dir auch weiterhin viel Erfolg! Mach weiter so!

3/4/2009: Amsterdam Tower Demo by atr_23

You should definetly make a game out of it. A mix between Perimeter (the game), isle conquering and economy simulator.
Looks great!

8/31/2008: Bin beeindruckt... mh nein neidisch ; -) by Wuempftlbruempftl » Website

Wow! Ich bin schwer beeindruckt von dem PostProcessing-Framework und auch den ganzen Rest deiner Engine. Ich wünschte ich könnte so gute Editoren schreiben, wie man ihn hier im ShowCase sieht. Meine wirken immer sehr zusammengestöpselt (habs nicht so mit WinAPI und Ähnlichen...) und sind außerdem weder so übersichtlich noch so leistungsstark.
Die Seite ist auch super, weiter so! :-)

6/5/2008: Respekt by Deviloper

Doch muss Rewborn schon zustimmen ... das kann schon einiges!
Viel Erfolg noch ... auch schönes Redesign der Seite ...

5/31/2008: Projektdauer by Tobias Zirr » Website

Die meisten Dinge, die in Showcase zu finden sind, sind in etwa über einen Zeitraum von 2 Jahren entstanden (ausgenommen Kurzprojekte wie Mandelbrot). An der breezeEngine arbeite ich nun in etwa ein halbes Jahr.

5/28/2008: Respekt by RebornX

Richtig hamma muss ich sagen ^^
Wie lange arbeitest du schon dran??

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